Instructions to Start Adult Auto-Scoring Leagues
- Ensure all lanes are off before the lanes are oiled
- Once lanes are all oiled, open Conqueror on lane computer
- Tap on “Home” button in top, left
- Tap on “Front Desk” tab
- Tap on “Leagues” tab
- Tap on “BLS Leagues”
- Choose the league you are starting and tap on “Ok” button
- Tap on “Lanes” button in bottom right
- Tap on “Send roster” button in bottom left
- At this point, bowlers can now make any corrections to their lineup by using the Qubica button on the lane consoles
- Once lanes are ready for practice, tap on the “Pinspotter ON” button
- Some leagues will have the practice time start automatically when turning the pinspotters on
- Other leagues will have practice start when the first ball is thrown
- Once practice is complete, bowlers can tap on the red button for each line to start scoring
- If for some reason it does not automatically start scoring when pressing the red button for both lanes, choose only the lanes needing assistance and tap on “Start score” button